This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

He who provides for this life, but takes no care for eternity, is wise for a moment, but a fool forever.

John Tillotson

This Day's Verse

But we Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord.  And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him.

2 Corinthians 3:18
The Living Bible

This Day's Smile

But then I realized this thing didn’t happen to me.  It happened for me.


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This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

They are the true disciples of Christ, not who know most, but who love most.

Friedrich Spanheim the Elder

This Day's Verse

Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.

John 13:17
The New Living Translation

This Day's Reprise

All worry is atheism, because it is a want of trust in God.

Fulton J. Sheen

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This Day’s Thought-Monday

This Day's Thought

I ought to pray before seeing any one.  Often when I sleep long, or meet with others early, it is eleven or twelve o’clock before I begin secret prayer.  This is a wretched system.  It is unscriptural.  Christ arose before day and went into a solitary place.  David says, “Early will I seek thee.”  I feel it is far better to begin with God—to see His face first, to get my soul near Him before it is near another.

Robert Murray M’Cheyne

This Day's Verse

Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path,

Psalm 27:11
The King James Version

This Day's Smile

Reach that which is of God in everyone.

George Fox

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

Feed on Christ, and then go and live your life, and it is Christ in you that lives your life, that helps the poor, that tells the truth, that fights the battle, and that wins the crown.

Phillips Brooks

This Day's Verse

The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.

Psalm 34:22
The New King James Version

This Day's Smile

The whole world is sustained by God’s charity.

The Talmud

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

For forty years I have loved the Word of God.  I feel the blessed pages under my hand with special thankfulness as a rod and a staff to keep firm my steps through the valley of the shadow of depression and world calamity.  Truly the Bible—the teaching of our Savior—is the only way out of the dark.  If the wealth of things which we have in abundance has not knocked on our selfish hearts and opened them to the central message of Jesus, “Love ye one another,” perhaps these days of widespread suffering will be the pointed instrument that will “stab our spirit broad awake.”

Helen Keller

This Day's Verse

In the morning you will see the glory of the LORD,

Exodus 16:7
The New Living Translation

This Day's Reprise

God hath given to man a short time here upon earth, and yet upon this short time eternity depends.

Jeremy Taylor

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

He that strives to withdraw himself from obedience, withdraws himself from grace.

Thomas à Kempis

This Day's Verse

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

1 John 3:18
The New King James Version

This Day's Smile

Time spent on the right things is never wasted.

Charles Swindoll

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This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

If the anointing which we bear come not from the Lord of Hosts, we are deceivers, since only in prayer can we obtain it.  Let us continue instant, constant, fervent in supplication.  Let your fleece lie on the thrashing-floor of supplication till it is wet with the dew of heaven.

Charles Spurgeon

This Day's Verse

And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us:

Psalm 90:17
The King James Version

This Day's Reprise

Let us thus think often that our only business in this life is to please God.

Brother Lawrence

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This Day’s Thought-Monday

This Day's Thought

The only significance of life consists in helping to establish the kingdom of God; and this can be done only by means of the acknowledgment and profession of the truth by each one of us.

Leo Tolstoy

This Day's Verse

You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

Micah 7:19
The New International Version

This Day's Smile

The true measure of loving God is to love Him without measure.

Bernard of Clairvaux

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.

Søren Kierkegaard

This Day's Verse

And the people said to Joshua, “The LORD our God we will serve, and his voice we will obey.”

Joshua 24:24
The Revised Standard Version

This Day's Smile

Could we with ink the oceans fill and were the skies of parchment made and every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade, to write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry, nor could that scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky.

Scribbled on an asylum wall

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.

Daniel Webster

This Day's Verse

Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me!  Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.

Psalm 25:20
The English Standard Version

This Day's Reprise

What other people think of me is becoming less and less important; what they think of Jesus because of me is critical.

Cliff Richard

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