This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

The fact is there is nothing that we are doing that God could not raise up a stone in the field to do for him.  The realization of this puts us in our true place.  Though, lest we get too knocked down by such a realization of our insignificance, let me hasten to add that there is one thing that we alone can give God…and that is our personal love.  No one else can give God our personal love.  This is our great significance.

M. Basil Pennington

This Day's Verse

Now I say that each believer should confess his sins to God when he is aware of them, while there is time to be forgiven.  Judgment will not touch him if he does.

Psalm 32:6
The Living Bible

This Day's Reprise

One of the most lasting pleasures you can experience is the feeling that comes over you when you genuinely forgive an enemy—whether he knows it or not.

O. A. Battista

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