NOW AVAILABLE! Box of 365 of our very best Christian quotations!

Dear Ministry Members,
We are excited to present another means of receiving the best of our daily Christian quotations, offering you inspiration and encouragement for your day. We hope you will enjoy and be blessed by this wonderful new resource, as described below.
From ministry member Mark of Vilas, NC…
I’ve been a supporter of This Day’s Thought for many years. Receiving their daily emails of noble and happy thoughts is one of the highlights of my entire day. When I was a young boy, my family had a box of Bible verses that stayed on our kitchen table. Before the main meal each day, someone would read the short verse and pray. Sometimes we discussed the verse; other times, it was simply read and returned to its holder. But the steady, daily exposure to God’s Word was having a profound effect on my life that I wouldn’t fully understand until I grew up and left home. As I’ve sawn, sanded, and nailed each little box together, it’s been my prayer that each one will find fertile soil in the lives and homes of those to whom they are mailed. The box is handmade in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina from reclaimed wood, and it’s my great honor to place these selected quotes from This Day’s Thought into your hands. May the Lord bless you, grow your faith, and guide you on your journey toward our heavenly home. In Him, Mark, Vilas, NC
Click Here to Order for $20 each (which is below our cost and includes shipping to all US locations. Currently not available outside the US)

Joy is not mere happiness.
Nor does joy spring from a life of ease, comfort, or peaceful circumstances.
Joy is the soul’s buoyant response to a God of promise, presence, and power.
Susan Lenzkes

Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.
Daniel 12:3
The New King James Version

The almighty Father will use life’s reverses to move you forward.
Barbara Johnson
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