This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

Jesus is moved to happiness every time He sees that you appreciate what He has done for you. Grip His pierced hand and say to Him, “I thank Thee, Savior, because Thou hast died for me.” Thank Him likewise for all the other blessings He has showered upon you from day to day. It brings joy to Jesus.

Ole Hallesby

This Day's Verse

Let your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in you alone.

Psalm 33:22
The New Living Translation

This Day's Reprise

There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it behooves all of us not to talk about the rest of us.

Robert Louis Stevenson

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

A life totally consecrated to God sees all of its tasks as God-appointed.


This Day's Verse

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?  Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.

Psalm 42:11
The English Standard Version

This Day's Smile

Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.

Soren Kierkegaard

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

All work that is worth anything is done in faith.

Albert Schweitzer

This Day's Verse

Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double.

Zechariah 9:12
The English Standard Version

This Day's Smile

Not one to monopolize on beer and wine, Luther also enjoyed good water; he prayed, “Dear God, what a noble fluid Thou hast given us in water!  It excels all wines; and yet, when we are well, we consider water, which so pleasantly cools and refreshes us, a mere trifle.”

Martin Luther

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

The more meek that a man is and the more subject to God the more wise shall he be in all things, and the more patient.

Thomas à Kempis

This Day's Verse

Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:3
The New International Version

This Day's Smile

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.

Martin Luther

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

That was what I tried to bring to the patients and families I met with.  Hope.  Not for a miracle healing, but that they feel God’s presence whatever the outcome.

Adam Ruiz

This Day's Verse

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

Matthew 4:4
The New King James Version

This Day's Smile

Every contradiction of our will, every little ailment, every petty disappointment, will, if we take it patiently, become a blessing.  So, walking on earth, we may be in heaven.  The ill-tempers of others, the slights and rudeness of the world, ill-health, the daily accidents with which God has mercifully strewed our paths, instead of ruffling or disturbing our peace, may cause His peace to be shed abroad in our hearts abundantly.

E. B. Pusey

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