This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

The grace of God is sufficient for all our needs, for every problem and for every difficulty, for every broken heart, and for every human sorrow.

Peter Marshall

This Day's Verse

The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.  Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.

Ecclesiastes 9:17-18
The King James Version

This Day's Smile

The best things in life are free, are they not? The air we breathe is not sold by the cubic foot. The water that flows crystal clear from the mountain stream is free for the taking. Love is free, faith is free, hope is free.

Billy Graham

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

Grant that we may not so much seek to be understood as to understand.

Francis of Assisi

This Day's Verse

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

Hebrews 4:16
The New Living Translation

This Day's Smile

The little birds of the field have God for their caterer.


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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

As believers, we need to reaffirm our commitment to moral purity and to private lives that are absolutely free of secret sins.

Charles Swindoll

This Day's Verse

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 16:11
The New International Version

This Day's Smile

If we are willing to be patient until the grace of God is made manifest, whether it takes nine years or ninety, it will be worth the wait.


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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

Simplicity reaches out after God; purity discovers and enjoys him.

Thomas à Kempis

This Day's Verse

So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
The New Living Translation

This Day's Reprise

If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.


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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

God alone can put divine truths into the soul…He chooses that they should pass from the heart into the understanding, and not from the understanding into the heart, in order to humble that proud faculty of reason.

Blaise Pascal

This Day's Verse

For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see.  They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me.  Be pleased, O LORD, to save me; O LORD, come quickly to help me.

Psalm 40:12-13
The New International Version

This Day's Reprise

Grace means that God already loves us as much as an infinite God can possibly love.

Philip Yancey

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

He that strives to withdraw himself from obedience, withdraws himself from grace.

Thomas à Kempis

This Day's Verse

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

1 John 3:18
The New King James Version

This Day's Smile

Time spent on the right things is never wasted.

Charles Swindoll

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

Take sin seriously but take grace just as seriously.


This Day's Verse

Dear friend, you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through, even though they are strangers to you.

3 John 5
The New Living Translation

This Day's Smile

Be humble, that you may not be humbled.

The Talmud

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

A man should be encouraged to do what the Maker of him has intended by the making of him, according as the gifts have been bestowed on him for that purpose.  His happiness, and that of others around him depends upon such a relation to the Maker’s will.

Thomas Carlyle

This Day's Verse

Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.

Psalm 57:1
The King James Version

This Day's Smile

Come and share a pot of tea,
My home is warm and my friendship’s free.

Emilie Barnes

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