This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

Fatih, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely, does not even ask Him for the lifting of the darkness.

Phillips Brooks

This Day's Verse

Who is wise?  Let them realize these things.  Who is discerning?  Let them understand.  The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

Hosea 14:9
The New International Version

This Day's Smile

Once in an age God sends to some of us a friend who loves in us, not a false-imagining, an unreal character, but, looking through the rubbish of our imperfections, loves in us the divine ideal of our nature—loves, not the man that we are, but the angel that we may be.  Such friends seem inspired by the divine gift of prophecy—like the mother of St. Augustine, who, in the midst of the wayward, reckless youth of her son, beheld him in a vision standing clothed in white, a ministering priest at the right hand of God, as he has stood for long ages since.

H. B. Stowe

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