This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

It is the highest and holiest of the paradoxes that the man who really knows he cannot pay his debt will be forever paying it.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

This Day's Verse

Now the Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons that they are to give this special blessing to the people of Israel: ‘May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favor, and give you his peace.’  Whenever Aaron and his sons bless the people of Israel in my name, I myself will bless them.”

Numbers 6:22-27
The New Living Translation

This Day's Smile

To be honest, to be kind—to earn a little and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence, to renounce when that shall be necessary and not to be embittered, to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation—above all, on the same grim condition, to keep friends with himself—here is a task for all that a man has of fortitude and delicacy.

Robert Louis Stevenson

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