This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

Year-end Reminder…

Favorite Thoughts For Your Christian Walk

2500 Christian Quotations from This Day’s Thought…Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry!

Dear Ministry Members…As a final reminder for this next new year together…

We are pleased to present this special collection of Christian quotations shared over the last twenty-five years of our ministry.  During the last year and half we have reviewed all of our previously shared daily Christian quotations, over ten thousand in total, to choose this body of what we consider to be the “best of the best,” now available in paperback, hardcover and digital PDF formats.

This volume can be used and enjoyed in one’s daily devotions for this coming new year, personal meditations and in times of need; perused at leisure in the same manner that you have become accustomed to in receiving with our emailed daily thoughts.  We hope you will enjoy!

NEW Book and Digital Download HERE! 

This Day's Thought

When the sinner despairs of the forgiveness of sin, it is almost as if he were directly picking a quarrel with God.

Sören Kierkegaard

This Day's Verse

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Proverbs 17:22
The King James Version

This Day's Smile

This my song through endless ages,
Jesus led me all the way.

Frances Crosby

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