This Day’s Thought-Tuesday With Book Update

Dear Ministry Members,

We are pleased to now be able to lower our 25th anniversary book prices and also offer our PDF version FREE to download.  

We want to thank all of you who donated to our ministry efforts during this last November campaign and also thank all of you who purchased books or PDF downloads in the last few months, as we were then able to cover our initial book production costs.  With that success, due to your faithful donations and purchases, we can now offer those same paperback and hardcover versions of our “Favorite Thoughts For Your Christian Walk” at the lowest prices allowed by Amazon.  And, in addition, we are excited to now offer our PDF digital download of the same book FREE to all!

Thank you once again for helping us make this book available to as many seekers and believers as possible.  

Love in Christ, Greg for TDT

Click Here To Directly Download Your FREE PDF Copy

Click Here To Order Paperback And Hardcover Books From Amazon

This Day's Thought

It is the presentation or giving away of all we have to God and our taking simply the place of servants, to receive back again just what he chooses.  This, it will be perceived, if a reality, is no easy task and can only be done in the might of the Holy Ghost; but, when it is done, when all is laid on the altar—body, soul, spirit, goods, reputation, all, all, all—then the fire of heaven descends and burns up all the dross and defilement, and fills the souls with burning love and zeal and power.

William Booth

This Day's Verse

Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!

Psalm 80:3
The English Standard Version

This Day's Reprise

It is by no haphazard chance that in every age men have risen early to pray.  The first thing that marks decline in spiritual life is our relationship to the early morning.

Oswald Chambers

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