This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

Reverential reading includes attention, exertion of mind, and earnestness.  Not memory but conscience; not intellect but the heart…can enable us to use Scripture aright.

Adolph Saphir

This Day's Verse

John the Baptist, who was now in prison, heard about all the miracles the Messiah was doing, so he sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you really the one we are waiting for, or shall we keep on looking?”  Jesus told them, “Go back to John and tell him about the miracles you’ve seen me do—the blind people I’ve healed, and the lame people now walking without help, and the cured lepers, and the deaf who hear, and the dead raised to life; and tell him about my preaching the Good News to the poor.  Then give him this message, ‘Blessed are those who don’t doubt me.’”

Matthew 11:2-6
The Living Bible

This Day's Reprise

If you dare to believe that you are beloved before you are born, you may suddenly realize that your life is very, very special.  You become conscious that you were sent here just for a short time, for twenty, forty, or eighty years, to discover and believe.

Henri Nouwen

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