This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

Drink has
Drained more blood
Hung more crepe
Sold more houses
Plunged more people into bankruptcy
Armed more villains
Slain more children
Snapped more wedding rings
Defiled more innocence
Blinded more eyes
Twisted more limbs
Dethroned more reason
Wrecked more manhood
Dishonored more womanhood
Broken more hearts
Blasted more lives
Driven more to suicide, and
Dug more graves than any other poisoned scourge that ever swept its death-dealing waves across the world.

Evangeline Cory Booth

This Day's Verse

Then Jeremiah replied, “Lord, you know it is for your sake that I am suffering.  They are persecuting me because I have proclaimed your word to them.  Don’t let them kill me!  Rescue me from their clutches, and give them what they deserve!  Your words are what sustain me; they are food to my hungry soul.  They bring joy to my sorrowing heart and delight me.  How proud I am to bear your name, O Lord.

Jeremiah 15:15-16
The Living Bible

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