This Day’s Thought-Thursday

Favorite Thoughts For Your Christian Walk

2500 Christian Quotations from This Day’s Thought…Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry!

Dear Ministry Members…

We are pleased to present this special collection of Christian quotations shared over the last twenty-five years of our ministry.  During the last year and half we have reviewed all of our previously shared daily Christian quotations, over ten thousand in total, to choose this body of what we consider to be the “best of the best,” now available in paperback, hardcover and digital PDF formats.

This volume can be used and enjoyed in one’s daily devotions, personal meditations and in times of need; perused at leisure in the same manner that you have become accustomed to in receiving with our emailed daily thoughts.  The book might also serve as a wonderful Christmas gift for your loved ones, used in your outreach efforts, or for pastors and church staff for reference use.

Many of these thoughts are so very short and concise, but in their simplest form they can have a profound effect on one’s life.  We hope they will offer you peace and comfort, wisdom and guidance, encouragement and inspiration.

Offered in paperback for $20, hardcover for $30 and digital downloadable PDF format for $10, all of which helps support our continued ministry.  You may view a sample of the book and place your order by visiting the link below.

New Book and Digital Download HERE!

Thank you all for your prayers and support over all these many years.  And may God bless you in your continued walk with Him.

In His Love,
Greg for This Day’s Thought

This Day's Thought

Let dissolution come when it will, it can do the Christian no harm, for it will be but a passage out of a prison into a palace; out of a sea of troubles into a haven of rest; out of a crowd of enemies, to an innumerable company of true, loving, and faithful friends; out of shame, reproach, and contempt, into exceeding great and eternal glory.

John Bunyan

This Day's Verse

And the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, saying, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.”

Zechariah 7:8-10
The English Standard Version

This Day's Reprise

We exist to exhibit God, to display his glory.  We serve as canvases for his brush stroke, papers for his pen, soil for his seeds, glimpses of his image.

Max Lucado

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