Blessed is the man whose heart today burns as he walks with Jesus by the way.
Blessed is the man who having not seen yet believes.
Blessed is the man who hears the voice of the Risen Lord saying, “Peace be unto you.”
Blessed is the man who accepts the glorious Master, Jesus Christ, as his Lord and his God and worships Him.
Blessed is the man who thus lives the power of the endless life through fellowship with the Risen Lord.
Blessed is the man whose words and deeds are day by day and every day a witness to the living and loving Lord.
Blessed is the man who obeys the Risen Lord’s last great command and commission, “Go ye into all the world and preach my gospel,” for unto him shall be fulfilled the Lord’s promise, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end.”
Oliver Huckel
By now it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land for three hours, until three o’clock. The light from the sun was gone—and suddenly the thick veil hanging in the Temple split apart. Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I commit my spirit to you,” and with those words he died.
Luke 23:44-42
The Living Bible
In Christ Jesus heaven meets earth and earth ascends to heaven.
Henry Law
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