This Day’s Thought-Ministry Update

This Day's Thought

Dear Ministry Members, Thank you for your continued prayers and support for This Day’s Thought, as we go forward this year as an independent ministry once again.  We will continue to reserve November as our primary fundraising month, but at this half-way point of our year, if you do feel so led to aid us in our continued efforts of sharing a daily Christian “seed” to those in need, we so appreciate your continued financial assistance in these efforts.  Your prayers for the Lord’s wisdom, direction and blessing over this ministry are imperative for our continued success.  Thank you.  If you do wish to contribute at this time, you may do so by visiting: “Donate.”

Sincerely, Greg for This Day’s Thought

And a few of your warm encouragements…

“Your thoughts have been an encouragement to me.  I know you pray about them, I can tell.  May God bless you.”

“I spend much of my time in a suitcase traveling to other countries. Being able to receive your daily posts are such a beautiful and enriching part of my day.”

“You have encouraged me everyday this year as I have recently discovered your message. I often share some of your messages with friends, believers and others who are not on the path yet. Thank you so much for daily inspiration in the faith of God.”

“You serve a very special purpose with your “Daily Thought.”  I’m very grateful.”

“This Day’s Thought often gives me confirmation and direction.  Blessings.”

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