We were chaff, now we are wheat;
we were dross, now we are gold;
we were ravens, now we are doves;
we were goats, now we are sheep;
we were thorns, now we are grapes;
we were thistles, now we are lilies;
we were strangers, now we are citizens;
we were harlots, now we are virgins;
hell was our inheritance, now heaven is our possession;
we were children of wrath, now we are sons of mercy;
we were bondslaves to Satan, now we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus Christ.
James Bisse
But grow in spiritual strength and become better acquainted with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be all glory and splendid honor, both now and forevermore. Good-bye.
2 Peter 3:18
The Living Bible
Men give advice; God gives guidance.
Leonard Ravenhill