This Day’s Thought-Friday

May your Easter celebration be one of  joy and special reflection.

This Day's Thought

In the cross is health, in the cross is life, in the cross is protection from enemies, in the cross is heavenly sweetness, in the cross strength of mind, in the cross joy of the Spirit, in the cross the height of virtue, in the cross perfection of holiness.  There is no health of the soul, no hope of the eternal life, save in the cross.

Thomas Kempis

This Day's Verse

Then they departed from there and passed through Galilee, and He did not want anyone to know it.  For He taught His disciples and said to them, “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him.  And after He is killed, He will rise the third day.”  But they did not understand this saying, and were afraid to ask Him.

Mark 9:30-32
The New King James Version

This Day's Smile

May the glad dawn
Of Easter morn
Bring joy to thee.
May the calm eve
Of Easter leave
A peace divine with thee.
May Easter night
On thine heart write,
O Christ, I live for Thee


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