When your grief presses you to the very dust, worship there.
C. H. Spurgeon
Let us search out and examine our ways, And turn back to the LORD;
Lamentations 3:40
The New King James Version
Our five-year-old Jeanie took to rising at 5:30 each morning and puttering around just long enough to wake the rest of us before climbing back into bed. Her reason was always the same—she had to see if there was a surprise. Finally we told her firmly that she must stop and that there wouldn’t be any surprises until Christmas, which was months away. “I wasn’t talking about living-room surprises,” she said through her tears. “I was talking about like yesterday morning it was raining, and this morning real summer’s here, and tomorrow morning I’ll probably find some pink in the rosebuds.” Jeanie still gets up each morning at 5:30.
Mrs. Roy F. Carter
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