This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

Is my heart more aligned with Jesus’ mission or my own?

Meredith Houston

This Day's Verse

“Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin.”

Romans 4:7-8
The New Living Translation

This Day's Smile

Julie Galbraith, age 6, had on her headstone one of the loveliest inscriptions I know: “She came, she smiled, she left.”

Christopher Buckley

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

Take sin seriously but take grace just as seriously.


This Day's Verse

Dear friend, you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through, even though they are strangers to you.

3 John 5
The New Living Translation

This Day's Smile

Be humble, that you may not be humbled.

The Talmud

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This Day’s Thought-Monday

This Day's Thought

Christ has flung the door of mercy wide open, and stands in the door calling and crying with a loud voice to poor sinners.

Jonathan Edwards

This Day's Verse

Say to those who are fearful-hearted, “Be strong, do not fear!”

Isaiah 35:4
The New King James Version

This Day's Smile

Like all human beings, I am a person who is full of contradictions.

Albert Schweitzer

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

You have a tremendous advantage over the person who slanders you or does you a willful injustice; you have it within your power to forgive that person.

Martin Matabishi

This Day's Verse

For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

Romans 6:14
The New King James Version

This Day's Reprise

Nothing can separate you from His love, absolutely nothing.  God is enough for time, and God is enough for eternity.  God is enough!

Hannah Whitall Smith

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