This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

“In the morning,” a beautiful metaphor for the resurrection of the dead—“the morning” which will introduce eternity…which points us to a “day” of extraordinary kind, when God Himself shall rise upon us as the sun, and surprise us with the discovery of His glory.

John Calvin

This Day's Verse

Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth.

1 Samuel 3:9
The King James Version

This Day's Reprise

Witnessing is not a spare-time occupation or a once-a-week activity.  It must be a quality of life.  You don’t go witnessing, you are a witness.

Dan Greene

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This Day’s Thought-Monday

This Day's Thought

There is no true and constant gentleness without humility.  While we are so fond of ourselves, we are easily offended with others.  Let us be persuaded that nothing is due to us, and then nothing will disturb us.  Let us often think of our own infirmities, and we shall become indulgent towards those of others.

François Fénelon

This Day's Verse

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2
The Revised Standard Version

This Day's Smile

For silence is not God, nor speaking is not God; fasting is not God, nor eating is not God; loneliness is not God, nor company is not God; nor yet any of all the other two such contraries.  He is hid between them, and may not be found by any work of thy soul, but all only by love of thine heart.

The Cloud of Unknowing

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

Life for all of us is full of opportunities for being kind, for showing the friendship of Christ, but how many of us fail to note the opportunities, to understand the needs, the heart-hungers, and to be the friend in need.  The friendship of Christ never fails.  Much of the failure of human friendship is negative—in not doing the things that ought to have been done.  We are not unkind to our friends, but we are not kind.  We do nothing to harm them, but neither do we do the things which would do them good.

J. R. Miller

This Day's Verse

Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.  As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.  And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.

Philippians 1:12-14
The New International Version

This Day's Smile

Dost thou live and fear God?  It is enough!  I give thee the right hand of fellowship.

Common greeting of John Wesley

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

We see a great number who can talk well enough of the gospel, and yet have nothing but a tongue.

John Calvin

This Day's Verse

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4
The New Revised Standard Version

This Day's Reprise

Never undertake anything for which you wouldn’t have the courage to ask the blessings of heaven.

George Lichtenberg

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

God our Father has made all things depend on faith so that whoever has faith will have everything, and whoever does not have faith will have nothing.

Martin Luther

This Day's Verse

If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

1 John 4:12
The King James Version

This Day's Smile

It is thy duty oftentimes to do what thou wouldst not, thy duty, too, to leave undone what thou wouldst do.

Thomas à Kempis

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This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

Cheered by the presence of God, I will do at each moment, without anxiety, according to the strength which He shall give me, the work that His Providence assigns me.  I will leave the rest without concern; it is not my affair.  I ought to consider the duty to which I am called each day, as the work that God has given me to do, and to apply myself to it in a manner worthy of His glory, that is to say, with exactness and in peace.  I must neglect nothing; I must be violent about nothing.

François Fénelon

This Day's Verse

But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

Proverbs 1:33
The King James Version

This Day's Reprise

This world is our passage not our portion.

Matthew Henry

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This Day’s Thought-Monday

This Day's Thought

The great source of error in religious matters is that men do not fully and honestly take the Word of God as their rule and standard.

William Cunningham

This Day's Verse

Finally, all of you should be of one mind.  Sympathize with each other.  Love each other as brothers and sisters.  Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.  Don’t repay evil for evil.  Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you.  Instead, pay them back with a blessing.  That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing.

1 Peter 3:8-9
The New Living Translation

This Day's Smile

After the satisfactory discharge of his parish duties, a minister may enjoy five days in a week of uninterrupted leisure for the prosecution of any science.

Thomas Chalmers, when Church of Scotland minister of Kilmany, Fife


I had forgot two magnitudes: I thought not of the littleness of time; I recklessly thought not of the greatness of eternity.

Years later, in a debate in the General Assembly he confessed his error with those earlier words.

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.

Dag Hammarskjöld

This Day's Verse

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.

Proverbs 29:25
The King James Version

This Day's Smile

Mother Teresa loved to laugh, most often at herself.  She knew the importance of laughter in the midst of suffering.

Jim Towey

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

As Satan labours to loosen our faith, so must we labour to fasten it, by thinking on the promises and covenant of God in Christ’s blood.

John Bradford

This Day's Verse

“For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords.  He is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed.  He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice.  He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing.  So you, too, must show love to foreigners, for you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt.”

Deuteronomy 10:17-19
The New Living Translation

This Day's Reprise

A holy life is not an ascetic, or gloomy or solitary life, but a life regulated by divine truth and faithful in Christian duty.  It is living above the world while we are still in it.

Tryon Edwards

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

My shallow and ebb thoughts are not the compass that my Lord saileth by.  I leave His ways to Himself, for they are far, far, above me.

Samuel Rutherford

This Day's Verse

But what does it say?  ‘The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart’ (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.

Romans 10:8-10
The New Revised Standard Version

This Day's Smile

Do good to thy friend to keep him, to thy enemy to gain him.

Benjamin Franklin

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