This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

The kind of faith God values seems to develop best when everything fuzzes over, when God stays silent, when the fog rolls in.

Philip Yancey

This Day's Verse

He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.

Psalm 145:19
The New International Version

This Day's Smile

How easy it is for one benevolent being to diffuse pleasure around him; and how truly is a kind heart a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity to freshen into smiles!

Washington Irving

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

The greatness of God rouses fear within us, but his goodness encourages us not to be afraid of him. To fear and not be afraid—that is the paradox of faith.

A. W. Tozer

This Day's Verse

Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.

Job 12:12
The English Standard Version

This Day's Smile

The man who claims to be a self-made man has relieved God of an embarrassing responsibility. He usually is a horrible example of unskilled labor.


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This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

In all thy actions think God sees thee; and in all His actions labor to see Him; that will make thee fear Him; this will move thee to love Him; the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, and the knowledge of God is the perfection of love.

Francis Quarles

This Day's Verse

Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in his sight.

1 Chronicles 19:13
The King James Version

This Day's Reprise

Remember, you are the only one who can keep you from becoming the person God wants you to be.

Neil Anderson

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

If your faith in God is stronger for every humble task in which you need and get His aid, then that humble task is necessary to the fullness of your faith in God.  It will make the music of your life more firm and solid.

Phillips Brooks

This Day's Verse

For you shall not go out with haste, Nor go by flight; For the Lord will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your rear guard.

Isaiah 52:12
The New King James Version

This Day's Reprise

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Mother Teresa

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

Little things come daily, hourly, within our reach, and they are not less calculated to set forward our growth in holiness, than are the greater occasions which occur but rarely.  Moreover, fidelity in trifles, and an earnest seeking to please God in little matters, is a test of real devotion and love.  Let your aim be to please our dear Lord perfectly in little things, and to attain a spirit of childlike simplicity and dependence.  In proportion as self-love and self-confidence are weakened, and our will bowed to that of God, so will hindrances disappear, the internal troubles and contests which harassed the soul vanish, and it will be filled with peace and tranquility.

Jean Nicolas Grou

This Day's Verse

And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today.”

Exodus 14:13
The English Standard Version

This Day's Reprise

Witnessing for Christ is not something we turn on and off, like a TV set.  Every believer is a witness at all times–either a good one or a bad one.

Warren Wiersbe

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

No matter how good your life is at any moment, there’s always something bad you need to work on.  And no matter how bad your life may appear to be, there is always something to be grateful for.  Behind every public success, you will find some kind of private pain.  There is no such thing as a painless life.  But pain can build and deepen your character if you respond in the right way.

Rick Warren

This Day's Verse

“And don’t be afraid of the people, for I, the Lord, will be with you and see you through.”

Jeremiah 1:8
The Living Bible

This Day's Smile

It is a good and safe rule to sojourn in every place as if you meant to spend your life there, never omitting an opportunity of doing a kindness, or speaking a true word, or making a friend.

John Ruskin

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This Day’s Thought-Friday

This Day's Thought

In natural matters faith follows evidence and is impossible without it, but in the reality of the spirit, faith precedes understanding; it does not follow it.  The natural man must know in order to believe; the spiritual man must believe in order to know.

A. W. Tozer

This Day's Verse

“‘Take heed, be quiet, do not fear, and do not let your heart be faint’”

Isaiah 7:4
The Revised Standard Version

This Day's Smile

Ought we not to be greatly ashamed if we do not store up God’s Word in old age?

John Calvin

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This Day’s Thought-Thursday

This Day's Thought

The circumstances of her life she could not alter, but she took them to the Lord, and handed them over into His management; and then she believed that He took it, and she left all the responsibility and the worry and anxiety with Him.  As often as the anxieties returned she took them back; and the result was that, although the circumstances remained unchanged, her soul was kept in perfect peace in the midst of them.  And the secret she found so effectual in her outward affairs, she found to be still more effectual in her inward ones, which were in truth even more utterly unmanageable.  She abandoned her whole self to the Lord, with all that she was and all that she had.  Believing that He took that which she had committed to Him, she ceased to fret and worry, and her life became all sunshine in the gladness of belonging to Him.

Hannah Whitall Smith

This Day's Verse

Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly.  Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.

Psalm 85:8-9
The English Standard Version

This Day's Reprise

My worth to God in public is what I am in private.

Oswald Chambers

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This Day’s Thought-Wednesday

This Day's Thought

If you trusted God with your soul, why would you not trust Him with your worries?

Josh Weidmann

This Day's Verse

Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.  That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

2 Timothy 1:13-14
The New King James Version

This Day's Smile

Let the weakest, let the humblest remember, that in his daily course he can, if he will, shed around him almost a heaven.  Kindly words, sympathizing attentions, watchfulness against wounding men’s sensitiveness,—these cost very little, but they are priceless in their value.  Are they not almost the staple of our daily happiness?  From hour to hour, from moment to moment, we are supported, blest, by small kindnesses.

Frederick W. Robertson

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This Day’s Thought-Tuesday

This Day's Thought

The crosses which we make for ourselves by a restless anxiety as to the future, are not crosses which come from God.  We show want of faith in Him by our false wisdom, wishing to forestall His arrangements, and struggling to supplement His Providence by our own providence.  The future is not yet ours; perhaps it never will be.  If it comes, it may come wholly different from what we have foreseen.  Let us shut our eyes, then, to that which God hides from us, and keeps in reserve in the treasures of His deep counsels.  Let us worship without seeing; let us be silent; let us abide in peace.

François Fénelon

This Day's Verse

The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders.

Deuteronomy 33:12
The King James Version

This Day's Reprise

If a bird is flying for pleasure, it flies with the wind, but if it meets danger it turns and faces the wind, in order that it may rise higher.

Corrie ten Boom

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